2017 Year In Review
What a year! As we approach New Year's Eve, I can't help but to reflect and share some of my most memorable moments from this past year:
- We took our first vacation as a family of 3
- I traveled internationally with a baby twice (Aruba + Grand Cayman Island)
- Accomplished many projects which made our house feel like a home (backyard makeover, new couches, completed Adina's nursery, designed creative home office)
- Hosted our first Passover seder
- Spending my first Mother's Day with 4 generations of women in my family
- Our week-long trip to Boston in the spring
- Made amazing summer memories in Fire Island
- Michael and I traveled on our first adult-only vacation to Arizona since Adina's birth (so grateful for loving grandparents who happily watched her!)
- My matching mother-daughter DIY unicorn costume for Halloween
- Pulled off an amazing first birthday party for Adina
- Prioritized my marriage and increased our adult-only time and regular date nights. Yay for babysitters!
- Balanced (or at least tried to) working part-time with being a full-time parent and blogging
- Celebrated every holiday this year with family members - especially loved our first Thanksgiving with Michael's family and my family together!
- I survived my first year of motherhood (teething, diapering, sleep training, SAHMomming, doctor appointments, solo car rides with baby, world of solid foods, 14+ months of breastfeeding and going strong!)
- I gained many friendships with fellow moms and bloggers.
One of my greatest accomplishments of this year was starting this blog 7 months ago! I am proud of the 32 blog posts I published, growing my Instagram following by nearly 1000 followers, having my first sponsored post and two blog collaborations, and consistently working on it every week, and sticking with it even when I was having a tough week or didn't feel like it. I still have a lot to learn, but I am committed to growing my skills as a blogger, content creator, social media influencer, and photo and video editor.
The best part about this journey has been interacting with all of you! In the new year, my goals is to share what my readers (YOU) want to see and to continue building my relationship with each of you. If there's anything you'd like to see - be it parenting, travel, home decor, DIY, or something else entirely - please leave a comment below or send me a message. I love to hear from you guys! Thanks to all of you for following along on my journey.
Wish you all so much magic and success in 2018! Let's do this!