Jewish High Holiday Must-Haves for Kids

With Rosh Hashana behind us, the Jewish high holidays are in full swing! Yom Kippur is around the corner, followed closely by Sukkot and Simchat Torah. For many of us, that means taking time off of work (and time off of school for our kids) to celebrate. This time of year is definitely a marathon, not a sprint! The high holidays look a little bit different since having kids, and I want to make them even more special now that I have a toddler and an infant. I put together some of the books, toys, and activities that I’m using with my children this holiday season. (Just click on the image below to be taken to the product page or look for the links at the bottom of this post!)




Whether you are having a low-key holiday at home, hosting guests, or attending someone else’s service or holiday meal, I hope this post gives you some helpful ideas to make this season even more memorable for your and your children! It is so fun experiencing the holidays through their eyes! Happy New Year + may we all be inscribed in the Book of Life!