Noa's Newborn Photos

It’s hard to believe that our little babe is already 6 months old! It feels like she was just born yesterday and somehow I blinked and she’s already half way to one! I was feeling nostalgic and couldn’t help myself so I started looking through Noa’s newborn pictures from when she was just 2 weeks old. She (and Adina) has grown so much in the last few months! You can see Adina’s newborn photos here. Of course it’s exciting seeing her reach all new milestones like rolling, sitting up, and eating solids. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss those sleepy newborn days a little bit. I’m sharing Noa’s newborn pictures in today’s post. Keep reading if you care to walk down memory lane with me!


I can’t handle the little detail shots! Those tiny toes and her perfect little lips! How was she ever this small?!

The pictures of the girls together are some of my favorite photos of all time! My heart melts every time I see them! Adina was so caring and loving towards her baby sister from the very beginning! One of the outfits that Noa wore was a sweater and bonnet that my great-grandmother, Grandma Tillie, crocheted before my oldest cousin was born. It has been worn by every newborn in our family for over 30 years. Such a special part of our family’s history! We even managed to take some photos outside since it wasn’t too chilly - I love the ones of our family sitting on the stoop outside of our home!

It is really hard to believe that Noa was every this tiny! When I look at these photos, it takes me back to that sleepless newborn period, just days after our lives changed forever. Life certainly wasn’t as perfect as these pictures make it look, but the photos capture this moment in our lives in such a special way. I will cherish these images always!

All photos by Faryl Loew Photography